A software for host-parasite relations (2)

Gaston PICHON pichon at bondy.orstom.fr
Mon Feb 1 03:48:04 EST 1999

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A new version of the software ParaDis (for Parasites Distribution) is
available at the site:
This software analyses the frequencies of hosts versus their parasite
load. It is based on the Negative Binomial Distribution. When the
frequency of zero-parasites is composite (false and true negatives), as
it frequently occurs in natural situations, the zero-Truncated Binomial
Distribution is also used. In both cases maximum likelihood
method is used. A program allows to compare the aggregation of several
observed distributions. Simulation of a mixture of NB processes is also
G. Pichon
Gaston Pichon    	Entomo-Parasitologue   (modelisation)
IRD/ORSTOM 	 		GP 73 "Maladies a vecteurs"       
Centre Orstom d'Ile-de-France 		Tel   (33 1 / 01) 48 02 59 76
Labo. d'Informatique Appliquee	 	Fax   (33 1 / 01) 48 47 30 88
32, avenue Henri Varagnat        e-mail  pichon at bondy.orstom.fr 
93143 BONDY Cedex (FRANCE)  
(logiciel telechargeable sur la distribution des charges parasitaires)
"Le vecteur pique toujours deux fois"

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