Postdoctoral Position -- San Antonio, TX

John F. Alderete, Ph.D., Professor of Microbiology ALDERETE at UTHSCSA.EDU
Tue Feb 2 16:08:21 EST 1999

<font size=5><div align="center">
Postdoctoral Position&nbsp; <i>Trichomonas vaginalis (Alderete)<br>
</i>Pathogenesis of <i>Trichomonas vaginalis</i> in San Antonio, Texas,
Two positions are available to study the number one, non-viral sexually
transmitted infectious agent, <i>Trichomonas vaginalis</i>. The long-term
goal of this research group is to understand the pathogenesis of
trichomonosis, the STD caused by the protist <i>T. vaginalis</i>. One
area of research encompasses the study of the property of phenotypic
variation and the molecular characterization of P270, the highly
immunogenic and phenotypically variable protein (Microbial Pathogen.
<b>23</b>: 223, 1998). A second area involves the property of specific
cytoadherence by <i>T. vaginalis</i> organisms. Ongoing studies include
the molecular characterization of the adhesin proteins (Mol. Microbiol.
<b>28</b>: 305, 1998 &amp; Microbiol. <b>144</b>: 3011, 1998). Modern
molecular approaches are being used to study virulence and pathogenesis
of <i>T. vaginalis</i> (examine references cited in above papers). San
Antonio, TX is a family-friendly low-cost city with a high quality of
life. Interested candidates should reply with a statement of future
interests, recently published, in press or submitted articles, a complete
curriculum vitae, and references to be contacted, which can be sent
through email or hard copy to:<br>
John F. Alderete, Ph.D.<br>
Department of Microbiology<br>
University of Texas Health Science Center<br>
7703 Floyd Curl Dr.<br>
San Antonio, TX 78284-7758 <br>
or as an attached document (Word 6.0) to
&lt;</font><font size=5 color="#0000FF"><u>alderete at uthscsa.edu</font></u><font size=5 color="#000000">&gt;.
The UTHSCSA is an Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action
Employer. <br>
<div>John F. Alderete, Ph.D.</div>
<div>Professor of Microbiology</div>
<div>Director, Training Program in Microbial Pathogenesis</div>
<div>Director, Training Program in Viral Pathogenesis</div>
<div>Department of Microbiology</div>
<div>7703 Floyd Curl Dr.</div>
<div>San Antonio, TX 78284-7758</div>
<div>VOICE MAIL:&nbsp; 210-567-6828 (office)</div>
<div>Lab: 210-567-3940</div>
<div>Fax: 210-567-6612</div>
<div>&lt;alderete at uthscsa.edu&gt;</div>

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