
Jules jules at tuna.net
Sat Feb 6 19:22:06 EST 1999


I am pretty sure now that I do have the hair parasites, I find hairs
in my food containers in the fridge!  When I get out of the bath tub,
the bottom 2 inches if my hair is in tangles and I have broken hairs
on top of my head (the rest is shoulder length)  so many little things
that I've noticed for years and brushed off as 'whatever' seem to make
sense now....the paper type cuts on creases of my fingers, even when I
haven't been near paper, a million little ailments.

What I really need to ask is:

Can anyone recommend a book about parasites and how to rid one's
environment of them while living in it? (I found some text books I
could buy but they cost about $60 and I cannot afford that, I also
think it would be a little too in depth and with a different focus
than for me to find the informations I seek)

thank you everyone for help.


  ( >==< )    Ribbit

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