Okay parasitologists, one last question that I hope someone can
Is there a parasite in Spain or Morocco that comes in through the
feet, looks like you have athlete's foot??
After much reflection, it is clear that my health problems started of
and slowly have multiplied since 1990 - after I returned from Morocco
with a 'flu' in 1989. I stayed in Marrakech, Azilah and Tangiers,
mostly with my girlfriend whose parents from Sudan have a home there.
There was also another American lady we met who had a severe foot
infection and was trying to get medical help - not easy as there, as I
remember the streets did not have names in the Medinas and there wa s
only one phone in the town of Azilah. I did have what I thought was
athlete's foot under the same two toes where I have had an 'incurable'
neuron for 6 years. I later heard that my girlfriend returned from
Morocco and was sick for months until they found a parasite, though I
don't know what it was and can't get in touch with her now.
thank you for your help, I won't clog your list with my troubles any
longer, it can be a scary thing to have these experiences and I surely
was and am a bit freaked out by it all.
peace, Julie
( >==< ) Ribbit
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