
Mon Feb 22 19:01:47 EST 1999


If you can get to a science or medical library look up Chigoe or Tunga penetrans.  This is a sand flea that commonly infects bare feet and more or less meets your discription.  The heavy flu may or may not have anything to do with the the Chigoe infection.  

Steve Kayes

>>> "jim" <jano at cableol.co.uk> 22 February 1999  5:52 pm >>>
Hi, I recently returned from Mozambique and found what
looked like a blister on my toe. It appeared to have
dull blackish spots on the inside. When it was lanced
and pressure applied a large amount of a white substance
appeared. It was firmer in substance than puss. Soon after
my girlfriend found the same, she had traveled with me.
We both suffered what appeared to be a very heavy flu
with fever and we were both quite ill for about 4 days.
The wounds left quite deep holes in our toes as if something
had been burrowing inwards. Any ideas? Should I have my blood
tested and what for?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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