BEN # 81

Adolf Ceska aceska at CUE.BC.CA
Sun Nov 13 08:33:08 EST 1994

BBBBB    EEEEEE   NN   N             ISSN 1188-603X
BB   B   EE       NNN  N
BBBBB    EEEEE    NN N N             BOTANICAL
BB   B   EE       NN  NN             ELECTRONIC
BBBBB    EEEEEE   NN   N             NEWS

No. 81                               November 13, 1994

aceska at freenet.victoria.bc.ca        Victoria, B.C.
 Dr. A. Ceska, P.O.Box 8546, Victoria, B.C. Canada V8W 3S2

From: Vladimir J. Korelus, Victoria, B.C., Canada

On  June  1,  1994,  the  urns containing the ashes of Prof. Dr.
Vladimir J.  Krajina  and  his  wife  Marie  were  ceremoniously
deposited  in the Vysehrad Cemetery in Prague, Czech Republic --
their  homeland.  The  day  marked  the  first  anniversary   of
Krajina's death, and the third year after his wife's departure.

Prof.  Krajina's  family and friends, and representatives of the
President of the  Czech  Republic,  the  Czech  Government,  the
Charles  University,  and  the Canadian Embassy assembled in the
newly restored church of St. Peter and St. Paul.

The urns -- covered with the Canadian  flag  --  were  displayed
together with Krajina's many decorations, including the Order of
Canada  and  the Czechoslovak Order of the White Lion. While Boy
Scouts kept the guard of honour, four  ministers  celebrated  an
Ecumenical  Mass. The Canadian anthem was played as the Canadian
flag was being lifted, and the former  Czechoslovak  anthem  was
played  while  the  Czechoslovak flag was put in its place. This
symbolized  the  formal  return  of  Krajinas'  ashes  to  their

The  celebration  continued with speakers recollecting Krajinas'
lives and deeds. The poem of Frana Sramek "If I were a keeper of
horses" ("Kdybych byl pastevcem  koni"),  and  an  excerpt  from
Dostoyevsky's  "The  brothers  Karamazov"  were  read. Then, the
procession with the urns left for the cemetery only to  assemble
again  in front of the church to listen to more eulogies by some
members  of  Krajina's  former  political  party.  Finally,  the
procession  reached  the  memorial  of  Dr.  Milada  Horakova, a
fighter against fascism, and a victim of the  communist  regime.
At  the  memorial,  the urns were deposited among those of other
national heroes.

Several days before the ceremony, on the occasion of the release
of Krajina's book of memoirs called "High Game" ("Vysoka  hra"),
there  was a press conference held in the Botanical Institute of
the Charles University. The book deals mostly with his political
life, and his fight against totalitarian regimes.  On  Krajina's
request,  the  book  was edited by Jiri Dolezal and published in
Czech in Prague by the publishing house EVA.

So a life circle was closed of one  brave  man,  and  woman  who
influenced  the  lives  of  so many, both  in the former Czecho-
slovakia and in Canada.

From: ASTP Newsletter Oct. 1994

Dr. Roy L. Taylor has accepted the position of Executive  Direc-
tor  of the Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden, Claremont, CA, USA.
He assumed his new duties on 1 November  1994.  Dr.  Taylor  was
currently  President and Chief Executive Officer for the Chicago
Horticultural Society and Director of The Chicago  Botanic  Gar-

Born  in  Alberta,  Canada,  Dr. Taylor received a BS in Biology
from Sir George Williams University,  Montreal,  Quebec,  Canada
and  a PhD from the University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA.
Prior to his appointment in Chicago in 1985, he was Director  of
the  Botanical  Garden and Professor of Botany at the University
of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia,  Canada.  From
1965  to  1968  he was Chief of the Taxonomy and Economic Botany
Section for Canada Agriculture in Ottawa,  Ontario.  Dr.  Taylor
has published extensively on plant taxonomy and horticulture and
was  co-author  with  James  A. Calder of the Flora of the Queen
Charlotte Islands (1968).

From: Andy MacKinnon <amackinnon at galaxy.gov.bc.ca>

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