SAG - Culture Collection of Algae at Goettingen

Thomas Friedl tfriedl at gwdg.de
Thu Jun 10 13:02:31 EST 1999

   News from the Culture Collection of Algae
          at Goettingen University (SAG)

***  http://www.gwdg.de/~botanik/phykologia/epsag.html  ***

The 'Sammlung von Algenkulturen Goettingen (SAG)' is now in its 45th
of operation, and the diversity of algae represented by the culture
collection includes about 2000 strains of microalgae representing all
phyla of eukaryotic algae and cyanobacteria, but focusing mainly on
microalgae from freshwater or terrestrial habitats.  The culture strains

are offered mainly to the scientific public for research purposes, but
also schools and even commercial organizations are provided with algal

The catalogue of strains available from SAG is online now.  Orders can
placed by email through our homepage, by fax or mail.

Although the SAG homepage is still under construction, it already
a brief introduction into its history and will soon explain the research
done at EPSAG, the Department of Experimental Phycology and SAG.  Our
intention is to present a brief introduction into the phylogeny and
systematics of different algal groups soon.

Also a picture gallery of algae is available.  Our intention is to
this collection regularly and to present pictures valuable for

For further details, just visit our new homepage!


 Thomas Friedl
 fuer Pflanzenwissenschaften
 Abteilung Experimentelle Phykologie
 und Sammlung von Algenkulturen
 Universitaet Goettingen
 Untere Karspuele 2
 37073 Goettingen
 PHONE +49 551-397868 / 397870
 FAX   +49 551-397871
 email: tfriedl at gwdg.de

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