Post-Doc position.

RA Wilson raw3 at york.ac.uk
Tue Feb 3 07:47:22 EST 1998

 Post-doctoral Research Fellow
 Parasite Immunology
 A post-doctoral position is available immediately for a two year
 collaborative project in the schistosomiasis research group, funded by an
 INCO-DC grant from the European Commission.
 The work is part of a programme of schistosome vaccine development and
 will focus on responses of laboratory hosts following administration of
 model vaccines, and subsequent challenge with normal parasites.  It will
 involve analysis of lymphocyte proliferation, cytokine production, and
 antibody profiles, to correlate immunological status with protection
 achieved by the vaccine protocols.  Candidates should have a background in
 immunology, and experience of the relevant assays for cellular and humoral
 Salary within the range 15159 - 17606 pounds sterling per annum.
 Informal enquiries may be made by E-mail (raw3 at york.ac.uk) and further
 particulars can be obtained by WRITING to Prof R A Wilson, Department of
 Biology, PO Box 373, University of York, York, YO1 5YW.  Applications
 including a complete CV and the names of two referees should be sent to
 the Personnel Office, University of York, Heslington, York, YO1 5DD by
 Monday 16th February.

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