Correction: Parasitology Course

Philippe Esterre esterre at malarde.pf
Fri Jun 19 02:50:32 EST 1998

 Sorry for this new message in the mailing list.
 This is a correction, as a secretarial mistake indicated in the previous
 message, a wrong name and a wrong E-mail adress for our colleague in the
 Pasteur Institute.
 Philippe Esterre.
 A new training course on THE ECOLOGY OF PARASITIC SYSTEMS is organized in
 the Institut Pasteur, Paris, beginning next year. Organized one year on 
 twoand in French, this full-time course his dedicaced to the study of the
 circulation of parasites (fungi excepted) in natural and modified
 ecosystems, with a clear-cut epidemiological approach. The students must
 have a DEA (in France) or an equivalent diploma (Msc) in Parasitology or
 Epidemiology and, of course, possess a good knowledge of the French 
 After two months of theoretical course in Paris, a field- (or laboratory-)
 based training period will be organized, during about 6 weeks, in France 
 oroverseas departments or areas. The first session will begin in Januaray
 18th, 1999.
 For all informations and request for the administrative file, please
 contact the Secretariat des Enseignements et des Stages, Institut Pasteur,
 Paris (fax number: 33 (0)1 40 61 30 46).
 If you want more information on the scientific programme, it's probably
 better to contact the coordinator, Professor Francois RODHAIN, who is 
 alsoin charge of the course of Medical Entomology within the Pasteur 
 Institute (E-mail: frodhain at pasteur.fr).
 Dr. Philippe ESTERRE - Head of Immunology Unit 
 Institut de Recherches Medicales L. Malarde
 BP30  98713-Papeete (TAHITI)- French Polynesia
 Phone: 689 41 64 67 - Fax: 689 43 15 90
 Mail: esterre at malarde.pf

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