David Johnston daj at nhm.ac.uk
Thu Jan 11 11:38:14 EST 2001


We are seeking two experienced, enthusiastic and motivated scientists
committed to parasite genomics and/or genetics. You will be employed by
The University of Melbourne and will work on an industry-linked program.

1. Postdoctoral scientist
You will isolate gender-specific genes from important parasitic
nematodes by suppression subtractive hybridisation, determine the
sequences of cloned expressed sequence tags, characterise expression
patterns in different developmental stages/tissues and examine the
functional roles of these genes. This research will provide insights
into molecular aspects of reproduction and development, and aims to
develop novel approaches for parasite control. Qualifications/skills:
Applicants must have a doctoral qualification and significant
postdoctoral experience, with skills in parasitology or microbiology,
gene isolation using differential screening methods, sequence analysis,
prokaryotic and eukaryotic gene expression, and emerging technologies of
genome analysis. Skills in computational biology are an advantage.

2. Research scientist
You will establish novel polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based methods
for the identification (genotyping) of infectious organisms and for
disease diagnosis. Qualifications/skills: Applicants [BSc (Hons), MSc,
MVSc or PhD] must have extensive experience in automated DNA sequencing
and computational analyses, as well as in the use of PCR-based methods
for the identification of parasites and/or microorganisms, preferably
single-strand conformation polymorphism and/or other sequence-based
analytical methods. Experience also required in the processing of
biological samples, the isolation and purification of DNA, and some
expertise in diagnostic microbiology or parasitology.

Appointment: For both positions, fixed term period of 2 years, subject
to satisfactory probation period, with the prospect of continuing
appointment. Salary dependent on experience.

Applications to: Assoc Prof Robin Gasser, Department of Veterinary
Science, The University of Melbourne. Please provide addresses of three
referees. Email address: r.gasser at vet.unimelb.edu.au. Closing date is
15th January, 2001.


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