Subject : To work/write a review on interactions between schistosomes’ species.
Dear Dr
Perhaps you might be aware that Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology is releasing a special issue in December 2011 on schistosomiasis and asked me to contribute a paper for the issue. I have submitted a short write up “ Indian schistosomes need investigations from international scientific community “ and attaching the same for your kind perusal.
During the write up and after words, I thought it will be rewarding to work on interactions between schistosome species which are sharing same hosts in a geographical area. There is absolutely no work on Indian schistosomes in this regards. Some work has been done by British scientists on African schistosomes but mostly it is related to hybrid formations. However ,there is lot which can be carried out beyond hybrid studies and will be much rewarding for understanding human schistosomiasis. An interesting observation, among Indian schistosomes , has attracted my attention. Here pigs are exposed to all shorts of schistosome cercariae (S.spindale ,S.indicum ,S.nasale ,O.dattai , S.incognitum) and host shows innate resistance to all except S.incognitum which thrives well in this host species ( in fact , this is the host responsible for maintaining S.incognitum in nature). Likewise, S.indicum, S.spindale, S.incognitum are capable to cause pathology in sheep
and goats but S.nasale fails to reach to maturity in them. It is the bovines which may harbor all these species, except S.incognitum.
This phenomenon clearly hints that hosts’ immunological system is reacting different to each schistosome species, though they are more close being in same genus. How immunological system of pigs can destroy all schistosome cercariae but fails to do so with S.incognitum etc You will agree with me that a deep study in such aspects will reveal many interesting facts which will help in understanding susceptibility and otherwise of the hosts for schistosomes.
There are many other events which also need our attention. As you are actively involved on schistosomiasis ,you might be aware about the scientists who are working on these or related topics or may be interested to explore this theme. I will be obliged if you may help me in associating with such scientists or may help me in joining any such team of scientists. It is not possible for me to carry over the work in India all alone as such work will require equipments and facilities for molecular studies .. Here we may cover work related to mating behavior, competition among schistosome species, heterosis , snail hosts and interactions , egg excretion etc
I am awaiting your response in the matter. With regards,
yours sincerely
Professor M. C. Agrawal
BVSc (Gold Medalist),MVSc(Gold Medalist),Ph.D.
Former : Emeritus Scientist,ICAR :
Dean ,Veterinary College,Jabalpur:
National Fellow, ICAR: Prof & Head
Residence : 3/4, Datt Arcade Phase Three
South Civil Lines,Jabalpur-482001
Phone : 91-761-2621772 ; Mob : 09993224849
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