The new critically-acclaimed book "AIDS: An Explosion of the
Biological Time-bomb?" is now on sale at and link: link:
According to Dr. Alan R. Cantwell, noted AIDS researcher and author of
30 scientific articles in refereed scientific journals and 4 books on
AIDS and cancer, "This is a must have book for the serious investigator
of the origin of AIDS."
An extended chapter outline follows:
Prologue/Introduction: A broad history of biological warfare and
leukemia research over the last 60 years as well as a brief history
documenting the appearance of HIV-1 on the world-scene. The introduction
makes the case for why the present investigation is warranted.
Chapter 1: Historic interest in latent and persistent infections
1930-1945; 1946-1950; a general overview of the period. Early research
on T-cell attacking agents. Latent and/or persistent agents as
biological weapons. US bioweaponry as "powerful as atomic weapons."
Chapter 2: Activities during the early 1950s; research with birds, mice,
rats. Discussion of research on human polio; cancer 1951-1955. Simian
foamy viruses; sheep viruses.
Chapter 3: Activities during the late 1950s; research on birds, mice,
rats, hamsters. 1956-1960 cat viruses enter the paradigm. 1956-1960
sheep virus research. 1956-1960 cow viruses enter the paradigm.
1956-1960 primate virus research. 1956-1960 human viruses, e.g.,
adenoviruses, ECHO viruses, polio research; agents attacking the nervous
Chapter 4: Activities during 1961-1963; research on birds (Rous
sarcoma); mice, rats, e.g., Rauscher leukemia virus;
immunodeficiency-causing viruses in rodents. Cat viruses causing
immunodeficiency, e.g., Bolin's virus. Sheep-infecting viruses, e.g.,
maedi and visna viruses. Cow-infecting viruses, e.g., reovirus. Primate
foamy virus research; T-cell attacking agents. Human viruses, e.g.,
Burkitt's lymphoma; B-cell attacking agents; reovirus, adenovirus,
cellular antibody/antigen research. SV40 and other foamy primate virus
contamination of polio vaccinations.
Chapter 5: Activities 1964-1965; research on birds, mice, rats; T-cell
attacking agents. Metabolic enzymes and leukemia; Moloney leukemia
virus; Harvey leukemia virus. Co-infections with various viruses and
hybrids. Infecting human cells with bird sarcoma virus. Cat-virus
research; Feline leukemia virus. Sheep-virus research; maedi and visna
viruses. Cow-virus research; bovine lymphosarcoma. The primate
sub-paradigm; SV-40 virus. 1964-1965 study of human nervous-system
attacking slow-latent viruses, e.g., Kuru, multiple sclerosis,
amyltropic lateral sclerosis; Burkitt's lymphoma; adenoviruses. Virus
and cellular hybrids.
Chapter 6: Activities 1966-1967. Bird, mouse, rat viruses. Infecting
human cells with sarcoma-causing bird viruses. More
immunodeficiency-causing mouse viruses, e.g., suckling-mouse virus;
Friend virus, Gross virus; Rauscher virus; Moloney virus; Kirsten
virus. Infecting various species with different viruses. Cat-virus
research; Feline leukemia virus. Sheep-virus research; transmission of
maedi-visna virus. Cow viruses; infecting other species. Primate
viruses, e.g., SV40; appearance of Marburg virus in humans transmitted
from primates. Human leukemia and lymphoma research, e.g., Burkitt's
lymphoma; immunological activity of Burkitt's lymphoma virus; cancer
research; infecting human cells with cow viruses; T-cell attacking
leukemias; metabolic activities of leukemias.
Chapter 7: Activities 1968-1969. Bird, mouse, rat viruses. Herpes
infections; Moloney leukemia-sarcoma virus; Friend, Rauscher viruses;
Kirsten leukemia-sarcoma virus; more immunodeficiency-causing viruses,
e.g., New Zealand mouse disease. Studies of T-cell attacking agents,
e.g., LCM. Mouse-mammary tumor virus. Cat immunodeficiency virus; T-cell
attacking agents. Infecting cow and pig cells with the sheep-infecting
Maedi-visna virus; study of cows infected with bovine lymphosarcoma.
Enhancing virus effects with SV40 in primates; lactic dehydrogenase
deregulation via virus infection. Development of mouse-human cellular
hybrids; Burkitt's lymphoma.
Chapter 8: Activities 1970-1971. Bird, mouse, rat viruses. Oncogenes.
Discovery of reverse-transcriptase, retroviruses; RNA-DNA. Moloney
virus, Abelson virus; Harvey virus; Friend virus; Mouse mammary-tumor
virus. Cat viruses, e.g., fibrosarcoma, rhabdomyosarcoma, RD-114. Sheep
and goat viruses, progressive pneumonia virus. Cow viruses; e.g., bovine
leukemia virus, lymphosarcoma virus; bovine syncytial virus. Primate
viruses, e.g., Mason-Pfizer monkey virus; SV40; simian sarcoma virus.
Transforming human cells with mouse and bird cancer-causing viruses;
infecting human cells with mouse leukemia/lyphoma-causing viruses.
Cross-species infections using leukemia/lyphoma agents. 1970 Department
of Defense appropriation for biological warfare agents that cause
Chapter 9: Activities 1972-1973. Bird, mouse, rat viruses. Cat viruses.
Infecting baboon cells with cat viruses. Sheep viruses. Cow virus
research. Primate virus research; isolating new immunodeficiency-causing
agents. Transforming vs non-transforming lymphoma viruses. Gibbon
leukemia/lymphoma virus. Human leumia viruses; reverse transcriptase in
human cells. Developing a "family tree" of immuodeficiency-causing
retroviruses. 1972 World Health Organization's call for research on
viruses that can selectively target T-cells of the immune system.
Chapter 10: Activities during 1974-1975. Bird, mouse, rat viruses.
Kirsten, Rauscher, Abelson viruses. Discovery of other
immunologically-impairing viruses. Cat virus research; arguments for
"evolutionary development" of immunologically-disruptive viruses. Sheep
viruses. Cow viruses; bovine-visna virus. Primate viruses; gibbon ape
leukemia virus. Human viruses; SV40 virus causing cancer in humans;
Kirsten leukemia signatures in human leukemias; developing an
"evolutionary tree" of leukemias -- an effort to disguise past research?
Chapter 11: Activities 1976-1977. Bird, mouse, rat viruses.
Understanding the mechanisms of cellular attacks by leukemias. Structure
and function of leukemia viruses. Sheep viruses; discussion of human
cells infected by visna virus. Cow viruses; moving diseases across
species lines. Primate viruses; SV40. Human viruses; SV40. Appearance of
"Gay Bowel Syndrome" in California. Kaposi's sarcoma outbreak in
Africa. Recognition of structure and functions of various
immunodeficiency-causing viruses.
Chapter 12: Activities 1978-1980. Birds, mouse, rat viruses. Sarcomas;
temperature-sensitive mutant sarcomas; transforming vs non-transforming
sarcoma viruses. Feline sarcoma virus. Sheep viruses. Cow viruses.
Infection of human cells with visna virus. Primate viruses; gibbon ape
leukemia/sarcoma. Human leukemias; HTLV-1; HTLV-II; T-cell research.
Appearance of HTLV-III (now called HIV-1, or AIDS) in humans.
Chapter 13: Activities 1981-1982. Bird, mouse, rat viruses. Genetics,
switches, oncogenes. How T-cell attacking agents bind to T-cells. Harvey
sarcoma virus; Moloney sarcoma virus. Sheep viruses; antigenic
variations of visna. Simian sarcoma virus. Substantial study of T-cell
attacking viruses in humans. Burkitt's lymphoma; Kaposi's sarcoma;
associations of leukemias and neurologically-attacking agents.
Chapter 14: Activities 1983-1985. Bird, mouse, rat viruses. Structures
and functions of oncogenes. Transforming growth factors. Herpes and
leukemias/lymphomas. Sheep viruses; trojan-horse mechanisms of attack.
Cow viruses; T-cells; human leukemias. Primate viruses; SV40; oncogene
of simian sarcoma virus; Simian AIDS; Wooley monkey sarcoma; gibbon ape
leukemia. Human leukemias; HTLV-I; HTLV-II; AIDS (formerly known as
HTLV-III); HTLV-I and -II as a T-cell attacking agent. Tyrosine
phosphorylation, effects of disease; ethnicity.
Chapter 15: Activities 1986-1988. Bird, mouse, rat viruses. T-cell
attacking leukemias; sarcomas. Growth factors; influence on disease.
Metabolic enzymes; disturbances by disease. Cat viruses; baboon-cat
viruses. Cow-viruses; herpes/leukosis viruses; infection of offspring
from milk of infected adult. Primate leukemia viruses; SIV-I; the
African green monkey. Humans and AIDS; AIDS dementia; how HIV-1 infects
cells; HIV-1's comparison to other immunodeficiency causing agents;
epidermal growth factor; tyrosine kinase; Philadelphia chromosome;
ethnicity and AIDS; Peter Duesburg.
Chapter 16: Epilogue. A recapitulation of important historical notes;
important statements from Amos, et. al (1972); US Army document
suggesting ethnic-group-specific biological warfare (1975); A
restatement of the question: "Where did AIDS come from?" and a likely