BIOSCI Documents

BIOSCI/bionet Information Sheet
The BIOSCI Electronic Newsgroup Network Information Sheet

The BIOSCI/bionet Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) list
If you have any questions about BIOSCI/bionet after reading the appropriate information sheet above, you may want to consult the BIOSCI/bionet FAQ. The FAQ contains information such as how to propose new BIOSCI/bionet newsgroups, what to do if you have news or mail problems, etc.

BIOSCI/Bionet Usage Charts
Usage statistics for these news groups, 1990 to 2005, including Postings and spam, Subscriptions (email), Google and other searches of Bionet archives.

Wikipedia summary

BIOSCI/Bionet change-over
Management of these groups has moved to Indiana University (Indiana, USA), June 2005

bionet Checkgroups Message
Give this document to your local news administrator to ensure that your site has all of the recently created bionet USENET newsgroups accessible in your USENET news system.

Newsgroups and Usenet information at Newsgroup Reviews

General USENET Documentation

June 2006 / BIOSCI Administrator / biosci-help@net.bio.net

Send comments to us at biosci-help [At] net.bio.net