| EMBL FILE SERVER News Number 10, July 7th 1993 |
| |
| European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Data Library & Computer Group, |
| Postfach 10.2209, 69012 Heidelberg, Germany. |
| Tel: +49 6221 387258 |
| E-mail: NetHelp at EMBL-Heidelberg.DE Fax: +49 6221 387519 |
<1> Introduction
<2> Blitz e-mail server
<3> Updates to data collections
<4> Updates to software collection
<5> Other updates
<6> Summary of directories on the file server
<7> Getting started ?
<8> Network addresses at EMBL
<1> Introduction
The EMBL File Server is a facility available on the EMBL computing system
for external users to request files by electronic mail, anonymous FTP or
Gopher. The service is free.
<2> Blitz e-mail server
BLITZ is an automatic electronic mail server for the MPsrch program of
Shane Sturrock and John Collins, Biocomputing Research Unit, University
of Edinburgh, Scotland.
MPsrch allows you to perform sensitive and extremely fast comparisons of
your protein sequences against the Swiss-Prot protein sequence database
using the Smith and Waterman best local similarity algorithm. It runs
on the MasPar family of massively parallel machines; the BLITZ server
uses a 4096-processor MasPar MP-1 system. A typical search time for a
query sequence of 400 amino acids is approximately 40 seconds to search
the entire Swiss-Prot database.
Additional time is required to reconstruct the alignments; the time for
this will depend on the number of alignments requested. MPsrch is the
fastest implementation of the SW algorithm currently available on any
How to use BLITZ
Send a properly formatted electronic mail message to
BLITZ at EMBL-Heidelberg.DE
containing required commands and parameters and the answer will be
automatically mailed to you. To obtain full documentation of the service
and algorithms used, send a message containing just the word HELP.
If you have any problems using the BLITZ service, or any questions, please
send them to:
NETHELP at EMBL-Heidelberg.DE
The possible parameters (eg gap penalty, weight matrix) are explained in
the HELP documentation.
<3> Updates to Data Collections
New databases have been added to the file server since Newsletter issue 9:
(a) RELIBRARY - Restriction Enzyme List, by E. Raschke
Raschke, E. (1993) Comprehensive restriction enzyme lists to update
any DNA sequence computer program. Genetic Analysis, Techniques and
Applications, Vol. 10, in press.
(b) REPBASE - Protoypic sequences for human repetitive DNA, by J. Jurka
Jurka, J., Walichiewicz, J. and Milosavljevic, A. (1992) J. Mol. Evol.
(c) HLA - Alignments of human class I and II HLA sequences, by S. Marsh,
J. Zemmour and P. Parham.
(d) TRANSTERM - Translational termination signal database, by C. Brown
Brown, C.M., Dalphin, M.E., Stockwell, P.A., Tate, W.P. (1993) Nucleic
Acids Res. Supplement, submitted
(e) LISTA - Compilation of nucleotide sequences encoding proteins from
the yeast saccharomyces, by P. Linder
Mosse, M.O., Linder, P., Lazowska, J. and Slonimski, P.P. (1993) Curr.
Genet. 23, 66.
<4> Updates to Software Collection
Here is a list of new (N) molecular biological programs or updates (U):
The full path specifications for these files on the EMBL ftp server are
shown in square brackets.
BED.UAA (N) Sequence editor with speaker feeback (R. Hwan-Seok)
[/pub/software/dos/bed.uaa and .uab]
BOXSHADE.UUE (N) Plots of multiple alignments with boxes and shades
(K. Hofmann)
CM.UAA (U) Restriction map construction from multiple digestion
data v1.0a (K. Hofmann)
[/pub/software/dos/cm.uaa to cm.uai]
CONSENSE.UUE (N) Calculation of consensus sequence from alignment
(S. Rensing)
DIGEST.UAA (N) Restriction enzyme mapping (R. Nakisa)
[/pub/software/dos/digest.uaa and digest.uab]
DOTPLOT.UAA (U) Dot plot analysis v3.0 (R. Nakisa)
[/pub/software/dos/dotplot.uaa and dotplot.uaa]
EXPLORE.UAA (N) Analysis of multiple alignments (G. Golding)
[/pub/software/dos/explore.uaa and explore.uab]
HTH.C (N) Prediction of helix-turn-helix regions (C. Halling)
RASMOL.UAA (N) Visualisation of macromolecules using PDB files
(R. Sayle)
[/pub/software/dos/rasmol.uaa to rasmol.uac]
SILMUT.UUE (N) Identification of regions suitable for silent
mutagenesis (B. Shankarappa)
SORFIND.UUE (U) Prediction of exons in vertebrate genomic DNA v1.7
(G. Hutchinson)
WINBLAST.UAA (N) Windows 3.1 interface for NCBI BLAST server
(A. Sivaprasad)
[/pub/software/dos/winblast.uaa to winblast.uae]
WINDOT.UAA (N) Dot plot analyis under Windows 3.1 (R. Nakisa)
[/pub/software/dos/windot.uaa and windot.uab]
WINIRX.UAA (N) Windows 3.1 interface for NCBI IRX server
[/pub/software/dos/winirx.uaa to winirx.uae]
WINSEQ.UUE (N) Windows version of D. Gilbert's READSEQ (R. Nakisa)
ALIGN.HQX (U) Sequence alignments and phylogeny (replacement of
corrupt archive) (D. Feng)
AMPLIFY.HQX (U) PCR primer checks v1.2 (B. Engels)
BKGCUCLC_FONTS.HQX (N) Color fonts for use with sequence editors (M. Sogin)
DBCONV.HQX (U) Transformation of line-oriented databases into tab-
delimited format v2.0 (J. Valverde)
DIGISPEAK.HQX (N) Sequence reading with sonic digitizer (N. Mantei)
DNAID.HQX (U) DNA sequence editor with grep-like search routine
v1.8 (F. Dardel)
EMBL-SEARCH.HQX (U) Database retrieval software for EMBL CD-ROM v2.3.2
(EMBL Data Library)
EMBL-SEARCH_SRC.HQX (U) Source code for EMBL-Search v2.3.2
HTH.C (N) Prediction of helix-turn-helix regions (C. Halling)
LABHELPER.HQX (N) General laboratory tools for buffer preps etc.
(T. Tzeng)
MACCLADE30_DEMO.HQX (N) Demo of phylogenetic analysis program (W. Maddison)