sequence not available

Christophe Roos roos at Operoni.Helsinki.FI
Wed Mar 31 09:51:41 EST 1993

In article <1993Mar30.203442.22 at cnbvx3.cnb.uam.es> mrege at cnbvx3.cnb.uam.es writes:

>Last year we submitted a DNA sequence to EMBL Databank with the corresponding
>protein sequence deduced from it (bss gene from Serratia marcescens, encoding
>for bacteriocin 28b). We marked it as not available until publication. 
>X62454 was the accession number it was given.

>Since this sequence was published on August 1992 (Viejo et al. Cloning and
>DNA sequence analysis of a bacteriocin gene of Serratia marcescens'. Journal
>of General Microbiology, 138:1737-1743), we thought it was made available
>to database users. The fact is it's not, so we wonder: (...)

Once the paper has been accepted / published, an e-mail to "datasubs at embl-
heidelber.de" telling that accession number ...... can be made public makes 
life easier to those who keep the database up to date and can in 
general make sequences faster available to all of us.

I have encountered the situation with published sequences not being marked 
as public (they had been entered long ago). Again an e-mail to Heidelberg
has usually made it available within 24 hours. Each time it was a sequence 
published in Nature. Nature is by the way not requiring the sequences to be 
submitted to a database before publication: archaic !

Christophe Roos

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