BCM Sequence Annotation Web Server

Randall Smith rsmith at dot.bcm.tmc.edu
Wed Aug 31 20:45:29 EST 1994

Brian Foley (brianf at med.uvm.edu's message of Wed, 31 Aug 1994 14:25:29
GMT) wrote:
>Randall Smith (rsmith at dot.bcm.tmc.edu) wrote:
>:    Announcing a new WWW Server: The BCM Sequence Annotation Server
>: URL:  http://dot.imgen.bcm.tmc.edu:9331/seq-annot/home.html
>	This server appears to require a "forms-based" WWW CLient.
>A "forms-based" client has been available for UNIX systems for
>a while.  A forms-based client for the Mac was recently released
>as well.  It can be obtained from Info-Mac at Sumex-Aim via FTP
>it is called Mac-Web and the version there last night was
>1.00a.  It works great on my LCIII with only 4Mb or RAM.

A forms-based WWW client is needed.  However, Mac Mosaic 2.0a6 *is*
now available from NCSA -- I have it running on my Mac and the forms
work fine.  See:


>The annotation server above seemed to be down, but I tried it out on
>the Genome Database and it worked fine.

Our system disk crashed Mon. afternoon and our machine has been down.
It's up now.  Please try the server out and let us know what you

-Randall Smith

Randall F. Smith
Human Genome Center
Department of Molecular and Human Genetics and
W.M. Keck Center for Computational Biology
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, TX  77030  USA

rsmith at bcm.tmc.edu
713-798-4735; FAX: 713-798-5386

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