EMBL WWW Nucleotide Sequence Submission System

Benny Shomer bshomer at ebi.ac.uk
Fri May 12 10:02:51 EST 1995

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   %%   EMBL WWW Nucleotide Sequence Submission System   %%
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Dear Colleague,

The EMBL Nucleotide Sequence Database at the European Bioinformatics 
Institute (EBI) announces a World Wide Web (WWW) submission tool
which provides a fast and convenient way   to submit nucleotide
sequence data and associated biological  information to the database.

The system is compatible with every known WWW browser (e.g. Mosaic,
Netscape, Macweb, Lynx) on all the common platforms (i.e. X-windows,
PC's and Macintosh).

You may access the WWW submission tool through the EBI WWW server at:

under the heading "EMBL Nucleotide Sequence Database", or use
the direct URL:


When using the system for the first time, you are kindly requested to
read the general help document provided through the first page of the
submission tool.

After connecting to the EBI WWW server, a sequence of forms will
enable  you to prepare your data submission as efficiently and easily
as possible. During any stage of submission, you may find a context
sensitive help by  selecting the help button provided.

EBI staff will process your submission within 24-48 hours of receipt
and then by e-mail communicate to you the database accession
number(s) assigned to your data.

Database entries created by the new WWW submission tool and
submitted  to the EMBL Nucleotide Sequence Database at the EBI will
be exchanged  and shared among the International Collaboration of
Nucleotide Sequence  Databases (DDBJ, EMBL, GenBank) and it is
therefore only necessary to  submit to one database.

For further information, please contact:

       datalib at ebi.ac.uk

Yours sincerely,

Benny Shomer.

Benny Shomer
External Biological Liasion Officer,
EMBL outstation - The EBI,
Hinxton Hall, Hinxton,Cambridge CB10 1RQ, UK

Tel:   +44-223-494437
Fax:   +44-223-494468
Email: bshomer at EBI.ac.uk


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