Mosquito Cell lines

Dr.M.M.Rajan mmrajan at cc.iitb.ernet.in
Thu May 9 07:52:47 EST 1996

>From mmrajan at cc.iitb.ernet.in Thu May  9 18:03:03 1996
Date: Thu, 9 May 1996 17:58:02 +0530
From: "Dr.M.M.Rajan" <mmrajan at cc.iitb.ernet.in>
Newsgroups: bionet.cellbiol
Subject: Mosquito cell lines!

Dear Newsgroup reader,
	One of my colleagues, Dr.Supriya Kshirsagar, in the Molecular
Biology Division is working on mitochondrial dna. She would like to know
where she could get mosquito genomic library of any of the species
(of the genera Anopheles, Aedes, Culex) any stage (larvae to adult).
Anybody with knowledge or information about this, may I please request
them to write back or contact:

		cell at nccs.ernet.in

 Thanking in anticipation,


Dr.M.M.Rajan, M.B.,B.S.,
Doctoral Research Scholar - Biomedical Engineering,
School of Biomedical Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology,
Bombay - 400 076.

email : mmrajan at cc.iitb.ernet.in

		At present at:
			National centre for Cell Sciences
			Pune - 411 029
			cell at nccs.ernet.in

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