We are happy to announce that our collection of Special Issues on
Computational Molecular Biology has become the
<<Computational Molecular Biology Series>>,
an ongoing regular feature of "Discrete Applied Mathemtaics".
Series Editors: Sorin Istrail, Pavel Pevzner, Ron Shamir
Submission Deadline for the next volume: August 1, 1998
"Don't ask [only] what mathematics can do for biology,
ask what biology can do for mathematics."
Stanislaw Ulam
Manuscripts are solicited for a volume of "Discrete Applied Mathematics"
on topics concerning the development of new combinatorial and
algorithmic techniques in computational molecular biology. This volume
will be the third in the Computational Molecular Biology Series of
Discrete Applied Mathematics, which publishes papers on the mathematical
and algorithmic foundations of the inherently discrete aspects of
computational biology. The refereeing of the papers in this series will
be thorough and will follow the general pattern of refereeing of regular
papers in the journal.
The traditional partnership of mathematics and physics has advanced
and enriched both disciplines. In a similar partnership, mathematics
and algorithms are becoming crucial tools in the rapid advancement
of molecular biology. At the same time, the computational challenges
of these biological disciplines raise exciting new problems in
discrete mathematics and theoretical computer science.
The following is a (non-exhaustive) list of possible topics of
interest for the series:
DNA mapping
DNA sequencing
DNA/protein sequence comparison
Molecular evolution
RNA/Protein folding and structure prediction
Gene/motif recognition
Genome rearrangements
Gene function determination
Drug design and combinatorial chemistry
DNA arrays
The response to the first two calls for papers in this series
was very strong, and resulted in two high quality volumes;
the first appeared in 1996 (Discrete Applied Mathematics, Volume 71),
and the second will appear later this year. (A list of
papers accepted to the second volume is attached to this message.)
In view of the success and strong response for these two volumes,
the Editor-in-Chief of Discrete Applied Mathematics and the
special volumes guest editors have decided to create an ongoing
series of the journal, the Computational Molecular Biology Series.
The Series Editors will continue to assure a thorough and timely
refereeing process. We expect this third volume in the series to
appear in the Fall 1999.
Seven (7) hard copies of complete manuscripts should be sent to any of
the series editors by August 1, 1998. Manuscripts may be submitted
earlier and their refereeing process will be initiated upon submission.
The submission should be accompanied by an email message containing only
the plain text (ASCII) of the abstract of the paper. Authors are
encouraged to send also a LaTex or postscript file of the manuscript via
email, to expedite the reviewing process. This does not replace the need
for hard copy submission. Manuscripts must be prepared according to the
normal submission requirements of Discrete Applied Mathematics, as
described in each issue of the journal.
Further information on the series is available from:
http://www.elsevier.nl/mcs/dam/Menu.html (The Netherlands)
http://www.cs.sandia.gov/~scistra/DAM (USA)
http://www.math.tau.ac.il/~shamir/dcb.html (Israel)
The Series Editors are:
Sorin Istrail
Sandia National Laboratories
Massively Parallel Computing Research Laboratory
P.O.Box 5800, MS 1110
Albuquerque, NM 87185-5800
scistra at cs.sandia.gov
http: //www.cs.sandia.gov/~scistra
Pavel Pevzner
University of Southern California
Department of Mathematics, DRB 155
Los Angeles, CA 90089-1113
ppevzner at hto.usc.edu
http: //www-hto.usc.edu/people/Pevzner.html
Ron Shamir
Department of Computer Science
School of Mathematical Sciences
Tel Aviv University
Tel Aviv 69978
shamir at math.tau.ac.il
http: //www.math.tau.ac.il/~shamir
Papers Accepted to the Second Volume of
F. Annexstein, R. Swaminathan
"On testing consecutive ones property in parallel"
C. Armen, C. Stein
"A 2 and 3/4 approximation algorithm for the shortest superstring problem"
B. DasGupta, T.Jiang, S.Kannan, M. Li, Z. Sweedyk
"On the complexity of approximation of syntenic distance"
H. Edelsbrunner, M. Facello, J. Liang
"On the definition and the construction of pockets in macromolecules"
O. Eulenstein, M. Vingron
"On the equivalence of two tree mapping measures"
D. Fernandez-Baca, J. Lagergren
"On the approximability of the Steiner tree problem in phylogeny"
I. Grebinsky, G. Kucherov
"Reconstructing a hamiltonian circuit by querying the graph:
application to DNA physical mapping"
D. Gusfield, R. M. Karp, L. Wang, P. Stelling
"Graph traversals, genes and matroids: an efficient
case of the traveling salesman problem"
L. Heath, J. Vergara
"Sorting by bounded block-moves"
I. Hofacker, P. Schuster, P. Stadler
"Combinatorics of RNA secondary structures"
J. Kececiouglu, D.Gusfield
"Reconstructing a history of recombinations from a set of sequences"
E. Knill, W. Bruno, D. Torney
"Non-adaptive group testing in the presence of errors"
G. Lancia, M. Perlin
"Genotyping of pooled microsatellite markers by combinatorial
optimization techniques"
F.R. McMorris, C. Wang, P. Zhang
"On probe interval graphs"
J. Miedanis, O. Porto, G.P. Telles
"On the consecutive Ones Property"
R. Ravi, J. Kececiouglu
"Approximation algorithms for multiple sequence alignment under a
fixed evolutionary tree"
M. Steel, M.D. Hendy, D. Penny
"Reconstructing phylogenies from nucleotide pattern probabilities"