Stock Holders and Investors Dream, please read

suechang at lakmail.com suechang at lakmail.com
Sun Jan 23 02:27:43 EST 2000

ImmuNis Corp a small Biotech Stock with Big Potential.

The Stock Savvy Investor Forum recommends that you
evaluate the investment potential of ImmuNis Corp shares.

ImmuNis Corp (OTCBB: IMMCE), owns a major interest
in a new class of oral diabetes medication. The drug is referred to as        
DIAB II and has been approved for sale in China and is the final             
stages of the application and registration process in Brazil. 

ImmuNis purchased its 25% interest in the commercial rights
to DIAB II in 1998 for territories outside of Oriental Asia. DIAB II       
is an insulin-receptor sensitizer, a new class of drugs for        
controlling the chronically high blood sugar levels that typify        
adult-onset or Type II diabetes. DIAB II works by improving the        
patient's ability to utilize both endogenous and
injected insulin, the hormone that controls blood sugar levels.

Adult-Onset Diabetes is an illness affecting more than 15
million Americans and more than 150 million people around the world.        
The drug - DIAB II - provides excellent control of diabetes symptoms        
without the side-effects of many competing drugs that are already on  
the market. 

ImmuNis Corp. has about 8.5 million shares outstanding and
at $1.50 per share price has a market capitalization of under $15        
million in a market segment where the majority of companies trade with        
$100 million valuations in anticipation of a new discovery or               
development. DIAB II confirmed the DIAB II is safe and effective. 

The market for Type II diabetes drugs is over $15 billion
annually. We believe that one should carefully evaluate the potential        
for a much higher stock market valuation of ImmuNis's share price.        
Many analysts are pointing out that companies like ImmuNis with the        
potential of success could produce gains comparable to what has been        
realized in the Dot Com sector.

DIAB II was developed by Biotech Holdings Ltd., a
Canadian-based pharmaceutical company, which controls the 
worldwide manufacturing and marketing rights to the drug. 

In a June 9, 1999 announcement Biotech also pointed out
that there is a sizable and very lucrative market potential for DIAB       
II in Brazil and throughout Latin America -- that for each one percent        
of the diabetic population in Brazil, Argentina and Venezuela using        
DIAB II (a total of 100,000 one-year prescriptions) -- DIAB II sales         
revenues generated would be over $20,000,000 annually. ImmuNis has a        
25% interest in all net revenues from the sale of DIAB II in these        
Latin American Territories as well as in North America and Europe.

In addition to its focus on Latin American markets where
license agreements have been completed in Brazil with Biobras, which        
is the fourth largest insulin manufacturer in the world with 75% of       
the diabetes medication market in Brazil. Agreements have also been          
completed in Argentina, Venezuela, Peru and Chile.

An agreement with a major (more than $10 billion in sales)
pharmaceutical company was announced in September of 1999, that
foresees potential licensing of DIAB II, for the U.S. market. Biotech        
expects to be working closely with this prospective licensing partner       
to review data and arrange for testing of DIAB II. The goal is to        
reach a licensing agreement that would provide for testing of DIAB II        
and filing of an application with the U.S. FDA, with the possibility        
that other markets could also be included in a final agreement.

Biotech Holdings completed the first phase of its drug
production facility Canadian Health Pr otection 
Branch, that certifies that Biotech has met GMP (Good
Manufacturi in Richmond, B.C. This notice of approval brings DIAB II        
to the final stages of entering the market in Brazil and throughout        
Latin American. Registration dossiers for the sale of DIAB II are now        
planned for submission in Chile, Argentina, Venezuela and Peru.        
Registration filings are also expected in the Middle East, Southern        
Europe and Africa.

The DIAB II Brazilian clinical trials provided supplementary
information for the regulatory application for approval of DIAB II, in        
Brazil as a prescription treatment for Type II or Adult-Onset        
Diabetes. The trial was carried out by one of the largest independent        
contract research laboratories in Brazil, working with Brazilian             
doctors specializing in diabetes. The trials showed that during DIAB        
II treatment that no adverse clinical events were reported. Plasma       
insulin, HDL/LDL ratio and triglycerides were controlled equally well        
with DIAB II treatment as on the patients' accustomed medication. The        
critical Hb A1c measurement showed reduced levels during the course of the 
study, to an average of 5.85%, (well within normal ranges) indicating 
excellent diabetic control

The shares of ImmuNis represent a opportunity for very
substantial gains.  However, the shares must be regarded as        
speculative. Even though the indications are that the drug will        
continue to prove to be safe and effective, obtaining final approval        
for sale and distribution in Western Countries may take time or may        
not occur at all. We always recommend that one investigate and        
evaluate the potential and risks of any investment. 


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