EMBL weekly index files to be discontinued

siamak sobhany sobhany at ebi.ac.uk
Wed Mar 16 06:57:21 EST 2005

Weekly index files to be discontinued

After the June 2005 release of the EMBL database weekly index files 
(files with names
like DD-MMM-YYYY.NEW and file newentries.ndx in directory
ftp://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/embl/new/) are not going to be 
produced any longer.
If you think that your work is going to be affected by this, please 
write to us, using the feedback form at http://www.ebi.ac.uk/support/ 
(please select "EMBL" from the list of options).


Tamara Kulikova,

EMBL database, EBI

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