Green-Fluorescent Protein Purification short course.

Daniel Gonzalez meton at niflheim.rutgers.edu
Sun May 19 17:35:29 EST 1996

I continue to receive inquiries on our courses, we still have room for four more applicants for the June offering of the course, which is coming up in two weeks.  Also, look for my announcement in this newsgroup of our short course in recombinant DNA techniques (which will use GFP for the first time).

                  The State University of New Jersey
                        Campus at New Brunswick

               Office of Continuing Professional Education
                   Programs in Biotechnology, Presents:

Protein Purification: Isolation, Analysis, and Characterization, A Six-Day
Hands-On Laboratory Course Using the remarkable Green-Fluorescent Protein (GFP), A Novel Marker For Gene Expression, as the source material

                            June 8 -14, 1996

                            July 13-18, 1996


                            August 10-16, 1996

More than 350 scientists from around the world have strongly recommended this
intensive course as an opportunity to develop protein research and analytical
skills in a retreat setting.  Participants work hard, identify and solve 
problems in the lab and enjoy camaraderie and good food and beer with 

This six-day laboratory course covers a wide variety of conventional methods 
for protein isolation, purification, and characterization. The course format 
integrates hands-on laboratory exercises with classroom lectures,
demonstrations, study breaks, and short take-home assignments.

A special feature of the course is that all laboratory work will be performed
on the same starting sample (Aequorea GFP*), which will be purified from an
exceedingly crude form to near homogeneity as judged by high performance 
liquid chromatography (HPLC), SDS gel electrophoresis, isoelectric focusing,
and capillary zone electrophoresis. This feature provides a continuity of
purpose, integrating dozens of preparative and analytical protein techniques
in a way that few competing courses can match.

A problem-solving approach will be used throughout the course. Under the 
guidance of experienced lab instructors, participants will work in groups
of three to plan their own protocols, analyze data, and interpret results.
A student-teacher ratio not greater than 8:1 will be maintained and the 
faculty coordinators will be present throughout the course.

*Note: The use of GFP from a recombinant source (E. coli) is also being used
 as starting material due to its popularity within the scientific community.

For further details you can reach us,

by E-mail at:  meton at rci.rutgers.edu
by phone at:  (908) 932-9071 extension 212
by FAX at:  (908) 932-8965

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