Exciting with slide projector

Christoph Reichel reichel at SCRIPPS.EDU
Thu Jan 9 14:27:05 EST 1997

   >I have been able to look at the fluorescence of yeast colonies with
   >high levels of s65t gfp on petri plates using a slide projector and an
   >optical filter for illumination.

>Stephen Cronin
>scronin at jeeves.ucsd.edu

Dear Stephen,

could you please give some details about the slide projector and Filters
you used, because I think there will a lot of people be interested to set
up a system like this for a lot of different purposes - not only for
counting E. coli colonies, but maybe for screening plants for GFP
So could you please tell me what kind of filters you used (spectra, company
name) and whether you used filters for excitation and emission detection or
only for emission.

Thank you very much,


Christoph Reichel
The Scripps Research Institute
Dept. Cell Biology, BCC 206
10550 North Torrey Pines Rd.
La Jolla, CA 92037

phone:  (619) 784-2918
fax:        (619) 784-2994

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