
Fermin Otalora otalora at GOLIAT.UGR.ES
Wed Jun 18 08:12:08 EST 1997

The "7th International Conference on the Crystallisation of Biological
Macromolecules" will be held in Granada (Spain) during May 3-8, 1998. We
hope to see you here to enjoy both the Conference and this exceptional

Scientific Program will include:

=B7	Nucleation behaviour
=B7	Growth kinetics and growth mechanisms=20
=B7	Solution studies=20
=B7	Mass transport processes=20
=B7	Mass spectrometry=20
=B7	Molecular engineering=20
=B7	Crystallisation of membrane proteins=20
=B7	2-d crystallisation of proteins=09
=B7	Surface modifications to facilitate crystallisation=20
=B7	Physical properties of protein crystals=20
=B7	Microgravity and related techniques=20
=B7	Design of crystallisation experiments and protocols=20
=B7	Crystal characterisation=20
=B7	Industrial processes=20
=B7	Mosaicity and resolution limit=20
=B7	Colloid crystallisation and protein crystallisation=09

Please contact us for more information

Mail:	ICCBM 7 Secretariat IACT
	Campus Fuentenueva (Fac. Ciencias)
	18002,Granada (SPAIN)=09
Phone	+34-58-243360=09
FAX	+34-58-243384=09
Email	Iccbm7 at ugr.es=09
WWW	http://iccbm7.ugr.es/home.html

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