..Internet..Company..Makes Pre IPO.Offer

coubihs bay81 at MERCURY.TREAD.IT
Tue Aug 10 13:27:25 EST 1999

Internet E-commerce companies are hot!!
XtremeMagic, an internet retailer specializing in the top "40" music,
video and DVD titles is currently seeking savvy investors.

The company is structured as an LLC and is only accepting QUALIFIED
individuals with a minimum of $10,000.00 USD. The XtremeMagic LLC has
signed a memorandum of understanding with a Public Company, which
proposes an exchange of LLC units for "free trading stock". LLC 
members will be voting on this important and exciting issue. Members
could recieve as much as 10,000 shares of stock in the Public Company.
A merger is likely to happen in 60 to 90 days when the LLC members
vote accordingly.

XtremeMagic believes it can beat the competition by utilizing
automation and offering for sale only the top "40" music, video and
DVD titles, which trims operational costs dramatically. Similar
internet companies have seen record highs in their share price in
recent trading. Investors have experienced windfall returns of as much
as 1000% to 2000%, by getting in early (see IPO sheet).

If you are looking for a ground floor Internet Company poised to go
public and you have a minimum of $10,000.00 USD, and can make a
decision within 3-5 days after reviewing the brochure and business
plan this is for you.

---Please Note---
Due to the overwhelming response we receive and the time limitations
on this offering, respondents MUST meet the following requirements.

1. Please indicate best time and number to call.
2. Potential investors must be liquid for $10,000 U.S.D.
3. Investors must be capable of making a decision within 3-4 days.

Please Fax to the number below your Name, Phone Number, Best Time to
Call and indicate your timezone. A company representative will review
your information and promptly respond. 248-692-0746

This is not an offer or a solicitation of an offer for a security. An
offer can only be made by the prospectus and authorized personnel of
the Company. This offer is void in the following States; Alabama,
Idaho, Maryland, North Dakota, Pennsylvania,South Dakota, Wisconsin,
and any other State or jurisdiction that prohibits the offer or sale
of private securities. This offer has not been approved by the U.S.
Securities and Exchange Commission, Neither has any State or local
authority passed on the offer being made by the Offeror. This offer
is being made under an exemption under the provisions of The
Securities Act of 1933-1934, as amended.


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