Postdoc Positions

Usenet Posting usenet at posting
Tue Aug 24 17:49:46 EST 1999

Postdoc-- molecular biology-- green fluorescent protein (GFP)-- plants.

Neal Stewart's lab is recruiting three postdocs who will be hired
beginning in October, and continuing until January, 2000.  Postdocs will
perform molecular biology research using GFP in plant systems to create
GFP fusion genes for various basic and applied purposes.  Scientists
with experience and interests in plant/insect interactions and stress/
pathogen responses of plants are especially encouraged to apply.   The
positions will be funded by private and public funds.  The University of
North Carolina at Greensboro is a medium-size university located two
miles west of beautiful downtown Greensboro, a very livable city of
200,000 people.  The Stewart lab is comprised of postdocs from North
America, Europe and Asia, and several graduate and undergraduate
students from diverse background.  While the initial appointment will be
for one year, there is a very strong chance of reappointment for an
indefinite period of time.

To apply, please send a cv and the names and email addresses of three
references to:
nstewart at uncg.edu
If email application is not possible, you may send the application
materials to:
Neal Stewart
UNCG Biology Dept Box 26174
312 Eberhart Building
Greensboro, NC 27402-6174 USA

The tentative closing date is Sept 10., 1999.

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