Tibetan mushroom increases lung capacity and energy.

covmserh nadawui99 at ICOM.ICOM.IT
Tue Aug 31 10:02:48 EST 1999

Athletes, work-out devotees and cholesterol-compromised people take
note:  The active ingredient of a rare mushroom that grows at 14,000
feet in Tibet and was reserved only for Chinese royalty has been
synthesized.  Cordyceps sinensis has been clinically tested to improve
lung capacity and increase stamina and energy.  In most cases it will
also increase the HDL (good) cholesterol level.  No side effects.
Not sold in stores.  $24.95 for month's supply.  Also, we have
standardized green tea capsules equivalent to four cups of green tea.
One hundred times more  potent an antioxidant than vitamin C, green
tea polyphenols are the only antioxidants that penetrate the cell
membrane and protect the DNA.  Studies show they kill prostate cancer
cells (Mayo Clinic) and prevent or alleviate rheumatoid arthritis
( Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences).  Our product has
97% total polyphenols-more than any other product in the industry, by
far.  Only $16.95 for month's supply.  For info on how to buy or sell:
email  north34 at bigfoot.com   with the subject  "energy" or send a
fax to :  603-537-0753

To be deleted from the list, email north34 at bigfoot.com  with the
subject line as  "remove" Have a nice day


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