10th ICGGFI.

rollin at WRITEME.COM rollin at WRITEME.COM
Tue Feb 23 16:08:41 EST 1999

10th International Congress on Genes, Gene Families and Isozymes

  --Advances in Genome Research and Their Implications for Biology
    in 21st Century

       October 5-10, 1999   Beijing, China

Provisional Topics:
1. Genomes and Bioinformatics;
2. Novel Approaches to Functional Dissection of Genes;
3. Chromosome: Structure and Function;
4. Practical and Ethical Implications of Genome Research;
5. Evolution of Patterns and Forms;
6. Epigenetic Processes in Development;
7. Programmed Cell Death;
8. Signalling: Pathways, Cascades and Integration;
9. Genes and Diseases;
10. Transgenesis;
11. Evolution and Function of Isozymes;
12. Biotechnology;
13. Environmental Biology;
14. Germplasm and Biodiversity.

Institute of Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Changjiang Fishery Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery

Chinese Committee for International Union of Biological Sciences

For more information about supporting and particitation, please contact;

BILONG Transgenics----A Creative Group for Transgenics
Add: 8 Nan Er Jie, Zhong Guan Cun, Beijing 100080, China
Box: P.O. Box 8734, Beijing 100080, China
Tel: 86-10-6256-0561, 6256-2226 Ext 211, 800-810-0797
Fax: 86-10-6253-2114
Email: info at bilong.com
Website: www.bilong.com

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