Fluorescent imaging

Jens Tornoe jtNOjtSPAM at neurosearch.dk.invalid
Thu Feb 17 03:52:30 EST 2000

Hi all

My department is about to buy a phosphorimager with fluorescent
abilities such as the FLA-3000 from FUJI. I would like to use
the imager to screen EGFP expressing cells, but we have not been
able to get ant specific information about EGFP detection from
FUJI or other fluorescent imager producers. The FLA-3000 can be
equipped with a 473nm laser, which in my opinion should allow
for EGFP detection.

ANY comment on the matter would be highly appreciated. The sales
representatives we have been in touch with haven't been excactly
bursting with knowledge on the subject...


Jens Tornøe
Dept. of Molecular Biology
NsGene, Denmark

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