
DAVIDS, L, LESTER, MR lester at uctgsh1.uct.ac.za
Mon Jan 17 05:09:27 EST 2000

I am about to purchase a GFP vector for mammalian expression work. I 
have the choice of either a N-terminal or C-terminal fusion enhanced 
vector. Does anyone know what the better of the two is ito 
fluorescence, eventual mammalian expression etc. or is there no 
difference? Please let me know.

Thanking you,
Lester M. Davids
Lester M. Davids,M.Sc(UCT)
Lennox Eales Porphyria Laboratories
MRC/UCT Liver Research Centre
K-FLoor, Old Groote Schuur Hospital
UCT Medical School
Observatory, 7925
South Africa
Tel. 27-21-406 6519
Fax. 27-21-447 9670
:-) "Chance befalls the prepared mind" :-)

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