
Wolfgang Schechinger Wolfgang.Schechinger at med.uni-tuebingen.de
Tue Nov 7 14:31:10 EST 2000

Dear Keitaro, 

If the GFPs from the different sources do not contain specific 
epitopes (like VSV, HA, myc and so on), the antibodies should detect 
all GFPs since there are only a few mutaions allowed that keep GFP 
fluorescent. If I remember correctly, you should find some 
information on the different GFPs (mainly S65T, F64L = EGFP and some 
alterations near the C terminus) on Clontech's website in the GFP 

If you have access to the genetic sequences of the GFPs (which might 
differ), you may compare the protein sequences and get some clues. 
One thing a manufacturer could do is raising the antibody against a 
region containing an adaptor sequence in a vector for fusion 

Good luck!


> From:          keitaro at Ag.Arizona.Edu (Keitaro Yamanouchi)
> Subject:       anti-GFP
> Date:          7 Nov 2000 18:28:14 -0000
> Organization:  BIOSCI/MRC Human Genome Mapping Project Resource Centre
> X-To:          fluorpro at net.bio.net
> To:            fluorpro at hgmp.mrc.ac.uk

> Hi, brief question. does anti-GFP from invitrogen can recognize EGFP
> from clontech? I am currently trying to detect EGFP on western blot
> by using anti-GFP from invitrogen but I cannot detect it. Also
> anybody working with anti-GFP from invitrogen and having any
> comment? should I use anti-GFP from other company?
> mUsClemUsClemUsClemUsClemUsCle
>         Keitaro YAMANOUCHI
>         D. V. M., Ph. D. 
>         Muscle Biology Group
>         Nutritional Science
>         University of Arizona
>         601 Shantz Building
>         Tucson AZ 85721-0038
>         Tel: 520-621-3829
>         Fax: 520-621-1396
>         e-mail: keitaro at ag.arizona.edu
> mUsClemUsClemUsClemUsClemUsCle
> ---
This message is encrypted! Use your brain to decode it.
Dr. Wolfgang Schechinger, Dept. of Pathobiochemistry
University of Tuebingen, Germany
email: wolfgang.schechinger at med.uni-tuebingen.de 
wwWait: http://www.medizin.uni-tuebingen.de/~wgschech/start.htm
usual disclaimers apply 


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