GFP Fluorescence

Kim Van Beveren ksvb at unimelb.edu.au
Tue Sep 11 19:24:33 EST 2001

Hi my name is Kim Van Beveren I am a PhD student working transformation in 
Radiata Pine. I have just started using the reporter gene GFP but I have 
had some problems with auto fluorescence in the callus material I am 
working on. My controls fluoresce as must as the transform material which 
has made me think that the GFP transformation may not be working and I am 
in the process of confirming it with molecular techniques. To use GFP as a 
reporter gene successfully I have to be able to see the cells that are 
transform and not just  auto-fluorescence that may be present. If anyone 
has any experience or information on problems with auto-fluorescence vs GFP 
or the types of GFP filters that are used it would be gratefully received.

Thanks Kim Van Beveren

The School of Forestry
The University of Melbourne
Water st, Creswick
Victoria, 3363
Telephone:  +61 3 53 214122
facsimile:  +61 3 53 214194
E-mail: ksvb at unimelb.edu.au 


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