[Fluorescent-proteins] Re: help for oocyte staining method

WS via fluorpro%40net.bio.net (by novalidaddress from nurfuerspam.de)
Sun Jul 15 05:18:54 EST 2007

Dear Berenice,

were you able to find anything in PubMed, eg by serching like this:

or by googling


Then there are mitochondrial stains, you might check http://www.probes.com

and proteins as prohibitin or SGK1 (antibodies available eg by www.abnova.com
and http://www.cellsignal.com)

you might cross.check bionet.molbio.methds-reagnts (http://
groups.google.com/group/bionet.molbio.methds-reagnts), we had a small
discussion on mitochondrial markers there recently. (As fluorpro has
not much activity, you might consider posting there, even your
question is not so straightforward molbio)

Best regards,


On Jul 14, 2:47 am, "Berenice" <beren... from portoweb.com.br> wrote:
> I work in Brazil with  canine IVM and IV,and notice your mail at Fluorpro. I would apreciate very much if you could send me any information about oocyte mithocondria staining method,  which might be useful to clarify some aspects in my resarch about this subject.
> I thank you very much for your attention to this request.
> Dr. Berenice de Avila Rodrigues
> Laboratório de Embriologia e Biotécnicas de Reprodução - UFRGS
> Caixa Postal 15004
> 91501-970 Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil
> e-mail: beren... from portoweb.com.br

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