[Fluorescent-proteins] Early registration ending on Friday - SPM & Optical Tweezers Meeting in Berlin

Petra Dammermann via fluorpro%40net.bio.net (by info from nanobioviews.net)
Wed Sep 1 09:41:55 EST 2010

   Dear Colleague,
   We would like to remind you of the Joint Meeting on the Application of
   SPM & Optical Tweezers for Life Sciences, taking place in Berlin,
   October 6 - 7 this year.
   This symposium is a wonderful opportunity to hear eighteen of leading
   scientists of SPM and Optical Tweezers in life sciences applications
   as well as to present your own work as a poster.
   Please visit our website for detailed information
   [1]www.nanobioviews.net and for registration
   We look forward to welcoming you to Berlin.
   Kind regards
   Petra Dammermann
   NanoBioVIEWS/JPK Instruments AG
   Bouchéstrasse 12
   12435 Berlin, Germany
   tel: +49 30 5331 12070
   fax: +49 30 5331 22555
   mail: [3]info from nanobioviews.net
   web: [4]www.jpk.com, [5]www.nanobioviews.net
   Aufsichtsrat: Dr. Franz-Ferdinand von Falkenhausen (Vorsitzender)
   Vorstand: Torsten Jähnke, Frank Pelzer, Jörn Kamps, René Grünberg
   JPKinstruments Aktiengesellschaft
   Amtsgericht Berlin-Charlottenburg
   HRB 75513


   1. http://www.nanobioviews.net/
   2. http://www.nanobioviews.net/registration.html
   3. mailto:info from nanobioviews.net
   4. http://www.jpk.com/
   5. http://www.nanobioviews.net/

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