[Fluorescent-proteins] protein spectra and use in monitoring bacteria

McDonald, David Joseph via fluorpro%40net.bio.net (by davidmcdonald from neo.tamu.edu)
Wed Sep 22 16:41:53 EST 2010

Hello all,

I'm currently working on a method to determine contributions of different fluorescent proteins from a total observed spectrum given off by a biofilm and, therefore, determine the growth of specific bacteria. I was wondering if anyone had knowledge of certain proteins fluorescing well with certain bacteria as opposed to others. I was also hoping someone would be able to provide me with the data or direct me to a journal or website that contains the data for full emission spectra for a variety of fluorescent proteins instead of just their maximum emission wavelength (which is what most websites list). 

Specifically I'm searching for the emission spectra data for these proteins: mPlum, E2-Crimson, mRaspberry, HeRed1, mCherry, mStrawberry, AsRed2, DsRed-Monomer, DsRed2, tdTomato, DsRed-Express, DsRed-Express2, mOrange, mBanana, ZsYellow1, ZsGreen1, AcGFP1, Dendra2, Timer, AmCyan1, EYFP, ECFP. The spectra for EGFP was relatively easy to find.

I really appreciate all the help anyone can provide.


David McDonald

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