Journal watch: MHC and intracellular self

Thu Aug 20 08:47:03 EST 1992

Organization: Queen's University at Kingston
Date: Thursday, 20 Aug 1992 08:58:21 EDT
From: <FORSDYKE at QUCDN.QueensU.CA>
Message-ID: <92233.085821FORSDYKE at QUCDN.QueensU.CA>
Newsgroups: bionet.immunology
Subject: Re: Journal Watch: MHC and intracellular self
References: <92231.161618FORSDYKE at QUCDN.QueensU.CA>
 <1992Aug19.040540.21000 at news2.cis.umn.edu>
 <92232.101920FORSDYKE at QUCDN.QueensU.CA>
 <1992Aug19.201932.27235 at news2.cis.umn.edu>

>>  Forsdyke: Yes, synthesis and degradation (turnover).  OK. Now be patient
>>            tell me what determines rates of synthesis and degradation.
>Ok, rates of transcription and translation determine synthesis (I hope we're
>not going to get into promoters and enhancers).

              You anticipate me! What determines a promoter, enhancer, mRNA
              stability, and rate of translation?

>As far as degradation
>stability, i.e. maintaining it's conformation, is certainly a factor, as de-
>natured proteins may be degraded, but I'm not really sure what controls the
>half-lives of proteins.

              What determines that protein A will live longer than protein B?

>Are you going to suggest that viral proteins have longer half-lives, which may
>lead to higher relative concentrations in the cell?

              Longer half-lives? No. Higher relative concentrations? Depends
              what you mean by "relative" (more later).

>So back to the original question, what is the system that prevents all of
>the cellular self-proteins from competing with the viral non-self protein?

              I have not forgotten it.

>>>>References:   Forsdyke, D. (1992) Bionet.immunology 812 947edt
>>>>              Prasad, S. (1992) Bionet.immunology 814 1516gmt
>>>>              Forsdyke, D. (1992) Bionet.immunology 817 1757edt
>>>>              Prasad, S. (1992) Bionet.immunology 818 133gmt
>>>               Forsdyke, D. (1992) Bionet.immunology 818, 1616edt
>>                Prasad, S. (1992) Bionet.immunology 819, 405gmt
>                 Forsdyke, D. (1992) Bionet.immunology 819 1019edt
>                 Prasad, S. (1992) Bionet.immunology 819, 2019gmt

>P.S.  How are we doing on the citation indices :-).

       [Seriously, Bionet files are stored at at least two sites and are
        in principle citable in the paper literature. One day the powers that
        be will decide on a suitable citation format. In the meantime, it makes
        some sense to use a format somewhat like that seen in the paper litera-
        ture. The notion that one's words are stored for "all time" may
        dissuade some from contribution. On the other hand, it may make for
        more "responsible" postings, when communicating in the public domain.]

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