In article <92232.101920FORSDYKE at QUCDN.QueensU.CA> <FORSDYKE at QUCDN.QueensU.CA> writes:
>> Forsdyke: Yes, synthesis and degradation (turnover). OK. Now be patient and
> tell me what determines rates of synthesis and degradation.
>Ok, rates of transcription and translation determine synthesis (I hope we're
not going to get into promoters and enhancers). As far as degredation, protein
stability, i.e. maintaining it's conformation, is certainly a factor, as de-
natured proteins may be degraded, but I'm not really sure what controls the
half-lives of proteins. I'm not exactly sure where you're going with this.
Are you going to suggest that viral proteins have longer half-lives, which may
lead to higher relative concentrations in the cell?
>> Forsdyke: OK. Let's just take a "generic" virus which goes about its
> business within the cell and eventually lyses the cell.
> It will make some viral proteins more than others, but a minimum
> of one protein would be necessary in order to get a foreign
> peptide displayed at the cell surface with MHC class I.
So back to the original question, what is the system that prevents all of
the cellular self-proteins from competing with the viral non-self protein.
>>>References: Forsdyke, D. (1992) Bionet.immunology 812 947edt
>>> Prasad, S. (1992) Bionet.immunology 814 1516gmt
>>> Forsdyke, D. (1992) Bionet.immunology 817 1757edt
>>> Prasad, S. (1992) Bionet.immunology 818 133gmt
>> Forsdyke, D. (1992) Bionet.immunology 818, 1616edt
> Prasad, S. (1992) Bionet.immunology 819, 405gmt
P.S. How are we doing on the citation indices :-).