theoretical models of cellular immunity

Jonathan Swinton jon at doc.ic.ac.uk
Fri Aug 7 08:30:58 EST 1992

In <1992Aug6.075459.16300 at gserv1.dl.ac.uk> MBFBPED at UK.AC.MCC.CMS (andy brass) writes:

>I was wondering if anyone on this group knew of any theoretical work
>which might have been done to understand the phenomena of Th subset
>polarisation - particular in regard to understanding how the cytokine
>interactions between the Th subset cells might control the process
>(to help interpret in vivo depletion experiments). I am aware that a
>lot of work has been done on developing theoretical models to explain
>the behaviour of the humoral immune system - has anything similar been
>attempted for cellular immunity?
>Andy Brass - University of Manchester

I have coauthored a preprint on a mathematical
model of Th1/Th2 dynamics which
will be available within the next two weeks. Anyone
who would like a copy is welcome to email a request.
Alan Perelson at Los Alamos is also working on models of
these systems. 

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