First Benny Shomer from Isreal asked why is there not an immunology group
on Bionet. Then, I formally proposed a newsgroup and offered to be the
Discussion Leader. Then 105 people world-wide with an interest in immunology
voted for it. So here we go, with many thanks to David Kristofferson and his
electronic wizards for setting the whole thing up.
Topics of interest might be:
Mechanism of self/not-self discrimination
Evolution and role of MHC polymorphism
Two signal hypotheses
Education of T cells
Education of B cells
T cell and B cell cooperation
G0/G1 switch to activate ICCs (immunologically competent cells)
Mechanisms of ICC deletion or suppression
T cell receptors
B cell receptors
Signal transduction pathways
Parasite strategies to avoid the immune response
Why does not a placental mammal not reject the fetal "graft"?
Relationship of heat-shock response to intracellular self discrimination
Mechanism of action of cyclosporine
The acute phase response
Role of fever in infections- positive or negative?
Protocols and Methods.
Data on hybridoma and cell clones.
No doubt the group will take on a flavour of its own irrespective of the
above suggestions.
So, Welcome to Bionet.immunology.
Yours sincerely,
Donald R. Forsdyke, Department of Biochemistry,
Queen's University, Kingston,
Ontario, Canada K7L3N6
forsdyke at 613-545-2980.
Voting is now open on bionet.immunology and will run through June 19th
inclusive. Please send your vote to any of the following addresses:
Address Location Network
------- -------- -------
biovote at U.K. JANET
biovote at U.S.A. Internet/BITNET
biovote at Ireland EARN/BITNET
Your vote should contain a single line:
YES on bionet.immunology
if you favor creation of the newsgroup or
NO on bionet.immunology
if you think that the creation of this newsgroup will adversely affect
the BIOSCI system. If you are simply not interested in participating
in this newsgroup, please don't cast a NO vote, but instead just don't
vote at all.
The newsgroup proposal must receive at least 80 YES votes to pass and
the number of YES votes must be greater than the number of NO votes by
at least 40. Discussion of the newsgroup proposal is now closed and
we strongly discourage posting any messages in other forums about the
fact that a CALL FOR VOTES has been issued.
Dave Kristofferson
GenBank Manager
kristoff at