In article <930818162238.31858 at> txpljfg at UABCVSR.CVSR.UAB.EDU writes:
>> Hi,
>>>> What I actually mean by an immunology database is something in which I can
>> find anti-gen - anti-body information, who has made it, availability,
>> references etc.
>> There should be a lot of information around, no?
>>>> Berend
>>>> ==
>> "Musn't grumble. I think I'm going mental..."
>> ==
>> B.J. de Vries Centrale Computer Afdeling
>> Faculteit Geneeskunde Universiteit van Amsterdam
>> AMC D01-411 Meibergdreef 9 1105 AZ Amsterdam tel. 020-5662010
>> internet: devries at earn/bitnet: devries at hasamc51>> ==
>>>>The closest thing that I know of is Linscott's directory of
>immunological and biological reagents which lists commercially
>available reagents. The book costs about $70 (U.S). It seems to be
>quite comprehensive. The address is 4877 Grange Road, Santa Rosa, CA
>95404 phone 707-544-9555. Some of the reagenst listed in the book
>would also be available from the American Type Culture Collection
>(ATCC). There is also a European equivalent to this organization.
>The ATCC has some type of online version of their catalog available,
>although I don't beleive it is accessible through the Net.
>>- -jim George-
>txpljfg at>Birmingham, Alabama USA
ATCC is accessible via gopher :-)
Andre Hamel email: hamel at
Manitoba Veterinary Services lab tel.: (204) 945-7630
Infectious & Genetic Disease FAX: (204) 945-8062
Mol.Biol.Lab., Winnipeg, Manitoba, CANADA