
Donna Munoz O'Regan dmoregan at genpharm.com
Wed Dec 15 15:43:54 EST 1993

                       Subject:                               Time:12:08 PM
  OFFICE MEMO          None                                   Date:12.15.93
I posted this query a few days ago, and I haven't received any replies, is it
because no readers have done this procedure or is it because I didn't mail it
properly to the immunology bulletin board.  So here is my question:

I was wondering has anyone injected mouse IL-4 into a mouse to stimulate an
immune response and if so,

1)  at what concentration,
2)  volume,  
3)  what route of injection did you use?

I'd appreciate any ideas and references you may have.
Thanks in advance.

Donna Munoz-O'Regan
e-mail address:     dmoregan at genpharm.com 

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