
Jerry Woodward woodward at seqanal.mi.uky.edu
Mon Jul 12 10:44:03 EST 1993

I'm new to the bionet.immunology scene.  Since there was nothing to read, 
I decided to post a message and to see if there is anyone out there interested.
Perhaps we need an alternative way of thinking about the immune response.
We normally think of a response as an activation event to a foreign antigen. 
Perhaps it is better to see it as an absence of a toleragenic signal.  In 
other words, tolerance is the default pathway.  There is no such thing as a 
"self" or a "non self" antigen.  It is simply the manner in which it is 
presented to the immune system.  This is probably controled to a large degree
by a complex interaction of cytokines.  
	The TGFbeta knockout mouse is a case in point.  If T cell receptor 
repertoire is so important, why did this mouse come down with massive,
multifocal autoimmunity?  This suggests that we all have a very great number
of self reactive clones, but that self tolerance is maintained by cytokines
such as TGFbeta.  
	I could go on for a while-- Is there any discussion?

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