[ Article crossposted from bionet.molbio.methds-reagnts ]
[ Author was Peter Kuhlman ]
[ Posted on Mon, 28 Jun 1993 20:40:22 GMT ]
Greetings, Netland!
I am planning to perform RT-PCR analysis of lymphokines
produced by murine T cell clones and hybridomas. In the
past, we have used V-beta-specific primers to control for
T cell mRNA levels in different samples, but would like
to use pan-T cell primers instead, as we can then use the
same reagents regardless of T cell V-beta usage. I am
considering designing primers based on CD3-epsilon sequence,
but would appreciate any advice y'all can provide!
Please respond by e-mail to pkuhlman at bio.indiana.edu. I will
post a summary of responses if there is any interest...
Many thanks!
-Peter Kuhlman
pkuhlman at bio.indiana.edu