I don't have direct experiance with this technique, but I am aware that
there is a protocol and references for what you wish to do in "Current
Protocols in Immunology"
F garbrehct
Med College of Wisconsin
fgarbrech at post.its.mcw.edu
On Mon, 28 Jun 1993, Larry Anthony wrote:
> Date: Mon, 28 Jun 93 15:14:38 PDT
> From: Larry Anthony <OLAF at UVVM.UVic.CA>
> To: immunology at net.bio.net> Subject: liposomes
>> Hello out there to all immunology netters...
> I am trying to incorporate peptide antigens into distearoylphosphatidylcholi
> ine/cholesterol unilamellar liposomes for immunization purposes. However, the
> protocol I have for making dehydration/rehydration vesicles (Kahl et al, J. Imm
> unol. 142:4441, 1989) doesn't seem to give me any incorporation. Furthermore,
> the product apparently wont lyse in the presence of detergents, including 5% SD
> S. Obviously I'm thinking that I'm doing something wrong, so I was wondering i
> f anyone out there had a simple protocol for incorporating peptides into liposo
> mes with this composition.
> Thanks for any help you can provide.
>> L. Anthony, Ph.D.