MHC Class II Structure - Where?

Tod Klingler klingler at cmgm.stanford.edu
Mon Nov 1 14:59:54 EST 1993

jhj4 at konichiwa.cc.columbia.edu (Jeffrey Hall Jennings) writes:

>In article <klingler.751858238 at cmgm.stanford.edu>,
>Tod Klingler <klingler at cmgm.stanford.edu> wrote:

>>ladasky at netcom.com (John J. Ladasky II) writes:
>>>	Am told that the crystallline structure of an MHC class II
>>>molecule has just been determined.  By whom?  Where was it published?

>>Don Wiley at Harvard.  Check out the 1 July 1993 Nature, 364:33-39.

>How is it possible to do xray crystall. on a membrane-bound protien?

The soluble, extracellular portion of membrane-bound proteins is usually
the only part crystallized--after cleavage from the membrane (papain
digestion in the case of the class II HLA-DR1).


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