stem cell factor species specificity?

ottcr at esvx17.es.dupont.com ottcr at esvx17.es.dupont.com
Tue Nov 9 14:34:06 EST 1993

In article <ibelgaufts-091193162809 at lmubmac26.biochem.mpg.de>, ibelgaufts at vms.biochem.mpg.de (horst ibelgaufts) writes:
>Dear netters, does anyone out there know anything about the species
>specificity of human stem cell factor? Does it work on murine bone marrow
>(stem) cells?
>Horst Ibelgaufts
>Institute of Biochemistry, MPI of Biochemistry
>Munich Martinsried, FRG

While I don't have a specific answer to your question, the following 
reference has been offered:

	F.H. Martin; "Cell"; volume 63; pgs. 203-211; (1990)

the paraphrased title being "Structural & functional expression of rat &
                             human SCF DNA."

As stated above, we do not know definitively, but indications are that it 
very well may work in murine systems. If you check there was evidently a 
flurry of articles around the same time.

If you are interested in an iodinated SCF (I-125), please get in touch with 
me for further details. (refer to catalog # NEX-283). This one is human,
I hope this is of some help.
Best Regards,
Charly Ott               DuPont-NEN Research Products - Technical Support


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