When monocytes are cultured in endotoxin free (<20pg LPS/ml ) serum
containing medium they show no spontaneous release of proinflammatory
cytokines. We have recently started culturing monocytes in a serum free
medium which contains 2mg/ml BSA. We have found that BSA containg as little
as 25-50 pg LPS/mg stimulates monoctes causing them to release
proinflammatory cytokines. Does anybody out there know of a source of BSA
which has less than 20 pg LPS/mg (<0.1 EU/mg)?? ( The lowest we have found
to date is from Boehringer mannheim cat.no.1081489 lot 14756700 which
tested at 25-35 pg LPS/ml.)
Please post or E-mail responses
Department of Pharmacology
University of Western Australia
Nedlands 6009
jsteer at receptor.pharm.uwa.edu.au