
Thomas Siepmann tsiepman at post.its.mcw.edu
Mon Nov 22 21:48:51 EST 1993

Michael Pearce (spamman at carson.u.washington.edu) wrote:
: Golly.

: You need to define what differences you are looking for in 
: allergy-induced asthma vs. exercise/cold-induced asthma.  If the outcome 
: is the same, are the proximal events important?   What are interested in 
: exactly?

: Michael Pearce "I'm not at Immunologist, but I play one in the lab."

Well, was wondering if exercise induced asthma is caused by the same 
thing, i.e. are there allergins that you inhale that cause degranulation 
of mast cells, etc.  Or is it a completely different mechanism?  
Something that doesn't invlve IgE or mast cells at all?  It seems strange 
to me that if they are caused by the same mechanism, why doesn't everyone 
who is an asthmatic have an attack in both instances.  Due to the fact 
that some people suffer only from exercise induced asthma or only from 
allergy induced asthma there may be separate mechanisms for both.  ?


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