2-ME effect on lymphocyte proliferation assay (fwd)

Thu Apr 7 17:24:30 EST 1994

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Organization: Queen's University at Kingston
Date: Wed, 6 Apr 1994 12:43:34 EDT
From: <FORSDYKE at QUCDN.QueensU.CA>
Message-ID: <94096.124334FORSDYKE at QUCDN.QueensU.CA>
Newsgroups: bionet.immunology
Subject: Re: 2-ME effect on lymphocyte proliferation assay (fwd)
Distribution: bionet
References:  <Pine.3.87.9404061143.B11514-0100000 at cmu.chiangmai.ac.th>

 >        Does anyone know the real activity or mechanism of
 >2-ME(Mercaptoethanal) which we normally add on RPMI 1640 medium for the
 >assay of human or mouse lymphocyte proliferation or cytokine production?

 >Wasun Chantratita, Ph.D.                        Phone:053-221122 Ext 5086,5068

         I am not up with the latest on the remarkable ability of 2-ME to
enhance lymphocyte proliferation, but my earlier studies (Cell. Immunol. vol 36
p. 86) indicated that it decreased high dose inhibition by lectin. We interpret
ed this as being due to an effect on serum complement (the serum concentration
greatly affects the quantity of 2-ME you have to add). Currently, the interpret
ation would extend to the possibility that 2-ME decreases apoptosis. Has anyone
looked at this I wonder? If the mechanism of high dose inhibition by lectin is
in any way relevent to the mechanism of high dose inhibition by antigen
(tolerance), then this could be quite important.

                    Sincerely,  D.R.Forsdyke. Discussion Leader

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