On the discussion of the effects of 2-ME on in vitro cultured cells, it may
be that the simple breaking of disulfide bridges on the various receptor
glycoproteins found on the cell surface, may enhance the receptor's
activity. Disulfide bridges tend to hold the proteins in conformation.
Those bridges located externally on the receptors may be broken temporarily
with the low concentrations of 2-ME used in cell culture which would allow
interaction with various media products and mitogens. They can form and
break, form and break in a continuous process. This may be similar to
events occuring in vivo where the receptors are exposed to various body
fluids and may not be static or rigid in nature but rather dynamic or
flexing. Disulfide bridges may be stable in the cell cytoplasm where they
are generated but once exposed to the extracellular environment they may be
less stable.
Roger A. Burger E-mail: SL061 at cc.usu.edu
Research Immunologist
Center for Persons with Disabilities
Utah State University
Logan, UT 84322-6800
Voice: 801-7502042
FAX: 801-7502044